Information about the MS-101 exam including its prerequisites, intended audience, and skills measured can be found on this Microsoft Web Site. This exam is used to obtain the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator role and the Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert certification.
After discovering more about the MS-101 exam, you will want to prepare for the exam with some guidance provided in my seven Pluralsight courses specific to the MS-101 exam, which you can locate using the following Pluralsight’s Web Site link.
I built the seven courses in a specific order, and some of courses are built on previous courses so it is best to watch them in the order I created them. To get full benefit from the courses, I strongly suggest you create a trial Microsoft 365 tenant, which I show you how to do in the Setting Up Microsoft 365 Tenancy and Subscription course, so you can follow along to get the required hands-on practice.
After opening the Pluralsight Web Site, you should complete the seven MS-101 exam courses in the following order:
- Implementing Mobile Device Management for Microsoft 365
- Planning and Managing Device and Application Compliance in Microsoft 365
- Planning for Microsoft 365 Windows 10 Deployment
- Implementing Cloud App Security in Microsoft 365
- Implementing and Monitoring Threat Management in Microsoft 365
- Designing, Managing, and Implementing Data Protection for Microsoft 365
- Configuring, Managing, and Monitoring Microsoft 365 Data
I’d also recommend you review the following courses which are part of the retired Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exams as there is some overlap between all of these exams. These aren’t in any particular order, but I have seen, and heard, that there may be some questions on these concepts and topics on the MS-100 exam:
Lastly, each course has a supplemental Word document that contains links to several Web Sites containing supporting information, and additional details. These sites can be used to increase your knowledge on the topics, being cloud-based applications change consistently, also helpful for real-world scenarios, and for MS-101 exam preparation.